The inspiring WWII Memoir of a Dutch/German Child

It’s 10:30 am, and I’m exhausted. I know that I should keep finding new and interesting ways of promoting Brave Face: The Inspiring WWII Memoir of a Dutch/German Child, which will come out on Nov. 1, but having told journalists, churches, schools, colleges, and of course friends, now what? There are some parts of being an author that I really find difficult. Marketing is one of them.

As I write, my mother, Meta, is being interviewed by a journalist. Several colleges and schools are circulating the Press Release to see where our book would be most useful. Friends are busy leaving advance reviews on Booksamillion, Bookbub, Barnes and Noble and other sites. And I, well, I’m writing a blog. Complaining. Enough of that!

What am I grateful for? The three reviews that are already on the Barnes and Noble site. The beautiful trees I see out the window of my study. My warm cozy home. My husband, who is hard at work teaching physics. The wonderful children and grandchildren who live nearby. My dog, who is filling the air next to me with fragrance. Maybe not that. The warm temperatures that mean I can OPEN THE WINDOW! And, of course, the Lord who is in charge of everything. I seriously have nothing to complain about.

Now, I’m told that I need a Press Room on the website. Better start figuring out what that includes. You can find me in my study…