The inspiring WWII Memoir of a Dutch/German Child

The Dutch Art of Doing Nothing

The art of doing nothing, as modeled by the Dutch, has become something of an internet sensation. But, long before it did, it was a serious subject of conversation between my sisters and me. Not just a passing one either. I can still hear my eldest sister say, “Dat...

My Beloved Husband

On October 18, 2017, Frits sailed away and arrived on the other side. I don’t know if they celebrate in Heaven, but I expect that they do. In other words, there is a pretty big party going on there today. Here, we celebrate, too. That he arrived safely in Heaven...

Hope in the Midst of Trouble

I am getting more and more restless. And yet, I find I have less energy. Our problems have been going on for about 9 months, with only more trouble in sight. It has been far too long.  My fellow Americans and I are basically struggling with three problems: Covid-19,...