The inspiring WWII Memoir of a Dutch/German Child

The art of doing nothing, as modeled by the Dutch, has become something of an internet sensation. But, long before it did, it was a serious subject of conversation between my sisters and me. Not just a passing one either. I can still hear my eldest sister say, “Dat heerlijke niets doen.” That is, ‘that heavenly doing nothing’.


So, I have recently taken to eating my breakfast and lunch in the dining room. It’s bright and gezellig (cozy) there and much more comfortable than the kitchen, where I can see the dishes awaiting my attention.


There I sit, sipping coffee after breakfast, reading a book and just relaxing, not caring that the dishwasher needs to be emptied, the dusting needs doing, and the clothes need washing. It’s rather blissful, and I can rest in full assurance that, when I am ready, the housework will still be there. And, that if I don’t do it, tomorrow will still come.


I’ve learned, “Dat heerkijke niets doen.” Try it. You might like it, too.