The inspiring WWII Memoir of a Dutch/German Child

If you scroll down, you will see that our last blog entry was over two months ago! So, what’s up with that? Did we give up? Have we been sitting around eating Christmas cookies and Dutch chocolate letters? No, yes, and yes.

Allow me to explain. November was kind of like being launched out of a cannon. We were moving FAST. First, Meta flew to Virginia, and we had events in Fairfax. Then we both flew to Dallas and drove to Houston, where we had more events. Next, Caroline flew home, and Meta flew to Weslaco, both to celebrate Thanksgiving. Oh, and Caroline also got COVID. Finally, we both flew to Des Moines (and drove to Pella) for more launch events. You can see the photos here.

How successful were the events? Very. We had almost 6,200 book sales/downloads! Are we done now? No, far from it. You see, we want tens of thousands of folks to read this remarkable book. For that, we need your help. Please, if you haven’t purchased the book, do! And, if you’ve read it, post a review on Amazon, Bookbub, Barnes and Noble, EVERYWHERE! We can’t do it without you!