The inspiring WWII Memoir of a Dutch/German Child

About balance in life, a proper balance is very important and ensures that we have the best chance of healthy bodies, healthy minds, and healthy relationships.

In the garden of Eden, the apple provided vitamin C, but also the knowledge of good and evil. It was good because it is healthy and it is good to have knowledge. It is bad because eating it was disobedient and a result of questioning God and wanting to be in charge.

Our bodies are kept in balance. When body weight drops, metabolism slows down. Blood flows towards the heart and out of the heart. Balance. The result should be a healthy body.

We need a balance of rain and shine both ouside and in our lives.

I sometimes think that, if we find our balance, we’ve got it made. It must be possible, like wheels in a clock, for a large world to have healthy individuals and healthy nations that make a healthy globe.

By Meta Evenbly