The inspiring WWII Memoir of a Dutch/German Child

Thank you to all of the over 100 people who made this happen! You commented and voted and helped us choose a cover for Overcoming the Jackboot, the book about my mother’s childhood in the Netherlands. Over 80 illustrators entered the competition, but you thought that Helitha Nilmalgoda from Sri Lanka had the best design. The authors and publisher agree.  

So what’s next? More editing, putting in the photos, adding front and back matter, rounding up the rest of the recommendations, and writing copy for the back cover. Some of that is done by the publisher, but much is by me. Whew! What am I doing wasting my time writing blogs? I’d better get busy…

 Many of you indicated interest in being told when the book comes out. Please sign up to receive the newsletter and we will be sure to let you know!