The inspiring WWII Memoir of a Dutch/German Child

Well, it is done. You may be asking what is done. The book. And the website–well, nearly.

With regard to the book, I am Meta: Growing up in the Occupied Netherlands, I wrote stories I remembered my mother telling me while I was growing up. Then, Mom (Meta Evenbly) wrote what she remembered. Then, I put it all together. Then she edited and reorganized. Then I edited and added some history. Then she added a bit, corrected mistakes, and edited. Then I filled that story out, edited, and, well…so it has been going on for over a year. But, now it’s more or less done. The book, that is.

The next job on the book is to find a publisher. We’ve decided that the book is both too historically important and too relevant to current events to self-publish. But, apparently, traditional publication is not an easy or quick process. As the song says, “We’ve only just begun.”

Meanwhile, we are finding that there is much interest in I am Meta. People are asking when they can get a copy. Thus, the opportunity to preorder and get 25% off the first printing. And, this website, where you can follow progress and read some of Meta’s thoughts (yes, she is going to blog!).

Enjoy! And be sure to preorder…